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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

All work and no play makes Jack a dog?

I decided to do (almost) everything my dog did today. So I slept.

Monday, December 6, 2010


This may be counterproductive to my self-enhancement in regards to my writing improvement, but I am forcing myself to write more so than feeling compelled to write. Though, I could argue that it is a multifaceted drive and the concept of force versus flow is an attributing facet. Either way, here I am. Writing another entry. (I've just now decided that the self-force is directed toward my frequency in blogs and the natural flow/desire/drive comes from my topic of interest.)

I must admit to a few things, some of which may be obvious to the reader. First, I don't edit my stream of consciousness (just my grammar and word choice). This can account for my lack of organization of the unveiling of my thoughts here in this blog. This should be evident in my overuse of parenthetical statements (insert witty side thought here-- and second here, dammit!).

Second, and this is coincidentally counterintuitive to the first, I pre-wrote this blog during class. Hey, a thought occurs in my head (how rare!) and I have to write it down or lose it forever. It's organic form is lost in my memory. Not to say my memory is poor, but science proves it alters with time. Just look at research on eye witness accounts (disregarding the research on environment and leading questions asked during the actual act of repeating what one saw) or traumatic memories. Also, see what I mean about not editing my stream of consciousness? I have a theory that amazing ideas emerge in non-interrupted, free-flowing (is that redundant) thought. Even if I interrupt myself with these side thoughts. Though, I could argue that the side thoughts are part of my stream of thoughts and it's the formal use of punctuation that makes them appear as interruptions. Oh, how conflicted my mind can be.

Thirdly, I believe in using this blog as an outlet for my thoughts and not necessarily as a documentation of my experiences in life. As you can see, I tend to focus on one concept and create run off thoughts/sentences/paragraphs from that. Perhaps this is also the nature of economic blogging-- to document an entire day's worth of experiences can be depleting. The information overload can actually then becoming boring, not just overwhelming.

Finally, now that I've admitted these things, I am incredibly cognizant of their existence. For instance, I now want to exert self-control over my pulsating desire to put a parenthetical statement in every sentence (MUST...). Language is insanely powerful-- I've said this habit of mine exists (STOP...), I've admitted to its effect, and now it's truly alive (PARENTHESES!) and looming over me. You know, same as saying "It's a boy!" right after bearing a child, as if that statement makes it so (and also reinforces a gender binary assumption-- not to be discussed here). The use of language, the proposed functions of language, have remarkable implications.

You know what else is amazing? Water. I will blog about water and wading and bipedalism and everything related another time.

This post really had no beginning, and I find it hard to define this as the end. In my pre-written blog, I continued onto another topic (motivation), but never finished and my thoughts were momentarily halted. So take this entry for what it's worth-- a ramble of thoughts from my diluted mind. I will continue my understanding of motivation next time. For now, I leave with you a quote:

"Look at those horns! Those are perfect Fibonacci spirals in each one!"-Prof Dougherty of my Communication: Men, Minds, and Machines class, as we watched an elk die a slow, but beautiful death at the hands of its hunter. He pointed out the important substance, as you can see.